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Join Trefoil Guild

Keep alive the spirit of the Guide Promise and Law


Lord Baden Powell said:

“Scouting and Guiding is not only a game for children, it is a way of life for adults”

The aims of Trefoil Guild are to keep alive the spirit of the Guide Promise and Law, to carry that spirit into the community and to give support to Guiding.


The Irish Trefoil Guild caters for past and present adult members of the Guiding movement. It provides friendship, activities and enjoyment for its members, and gives service and support for the local community and Irish Girl Guide Units. The Promise and Law are a common bond among all members.


IGG’s Trefoil Guild is a member of the International Scout and Guide Fellowship (ISGF) (www.isgf.org). Through this membership, Trefoil Guild members can travel to conferences, workshops and gatherings held regularly at venues in Ireland and around the world.


Members can belong to a local Guild or can be Lone Members who stay in touch through annual meetings and occasional activities. Trefoil Guild members also link with their local IGG Units for annual events such as World Thinking Day. At present there are 9 local Trefoil Guild groups around the country and each Guild is represented on the Irish Trefoil Guild National Council (ITGNC). The Chair of the ITGNC is a member of the National Programme and Training Committee and in this way keeps in touch with the programme and activities of the Irish Girl Guides.


Trefoil Guild members can complete the Trefoil Guild personal challenge called the Evergreen Challenge, which is based on the Interest Badges of the Journey Programme.


For further information or to become a member of Trefoil Guild contact National Office.


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Guiding Connections Newsletter

Irish Girl Guides has approximately 10,000 youth and adult members in Ireland. We are a youth-driven, dynamic organisation offering a varied and exciting programme for girls and young women aged 5-30.


Irish Girl Guides National Training Centre
Unit 2, The Square Industrial Complex
Belgard Square East
Dublin D24 FEX5