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Welcome to our new CEO Lorraine Mackey McHugh!

Welcome to our new CEO Lorraine Mackey McHugh!

Irish Girl Guides welcomes Lorraine McHugh as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Lorraine brings more than 11 years’ experience in managing and leading community-based youth work projects and programmes including youth justice, youth work, and youth employability standards of practice and 26 years’ professional experience in youth and community work.

As Project Manager and Leader of Clay Youth Project, she reported directly to a Board of Management on the operational outcomes of the Youth Justice, Youth Employment, Youthwork programmes, centre development, and financial management of the Project.

Lorraine is responsible for the leadership and management of the National Office in accordance with the strategic direction set by the Executive Committee. The CEO has overall responsibility for implementing Irish Girl Guides’ plans and representing Irish Girl Guides to potential funders, partners, stakeholders and regulatory bodies.

Lorraine is excited to be appointed as Irish Girl Guides’ new CEO. The National Office staff, the Board (Executive Committee), and our volunteers are delighted to welcome her to the team and look forward to working with her.



Guiding Connections Newsletter

Irish Girl Guides has approximately 10,000 youth and adult members in Ireland. We are a youth-driven, dynamic organisation offering a varied and exciting programme for girls and young women aged 5-30.


Irish Girl Guides National Training Centre
Unit 2, The Square Industrial Complex
Belgard Square East
Dublin D24 FEX5