When a girl joins Ladybirds she starts attending a weekly meeting, usually during school terms and are usually 1 hour long.
Ladybirds are explorers, collecting experiences and treasures as they complete their Journey badges – Discover, Grow, Fly.
At meetings girls learn all about Ladybirds including the Song, Story, Promise, Ladybird's Law and Motto. A Ladybird then starts her journey by preparing to make her Ladybird Promise. She begins to wear her uniform. Once she has completed all the challenges in the “becoming a Ladybird” journey badge, and has attended minimum 8 meetings, then she is enrolled as a Ladybird and will receive her first badge – her Promise Pin.
Irish Girl Guides has approximately 10,000 youth and adult members in Ireland. We are a youth-driven, dynamic organisation offering a varied and exciting programme for girls and young women aged 5-30.