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Join in IGG Camp At Home!

Join in IGG Camp At Home!

All Irish Girl Guides members and their families are invited to take part in a national IGG Camp At Home the weekend of Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 April 2020.

That includes Ladybirds, Brownies, Guides, Senior Branch members, Leaders AND their families!

We hope as many people as possible will take part. We all need diversion at this time.

Leaders! You will have received this Irish Girl Guides’ Camp At Home activity pack by email from your Regional Development Officer (RDO). Please pass on this information to parents so that they can encourage their daughters – and ALL the family – to take part!

You don’t have to have a tent. It is up to each family to decide whether to sleep outside or not … You might choose to sleep in a sleeping bag or under a duvet in the living room or under the kitchen table!

You will find LOTS of ideas for fun games, activities and camp food in the Irish Girl Guides’ Camp At Home activity pack. You don’t HAVE to do all of them, or any of them – just whatever takes your fancy. But seriously, who can’t resist s’mores?

We hope this fun event will help everyone find healthy and positive ways to keep themselves active and busy, both physically and mentally, while at home at this time.

We look forward to seeing all the different ways our youth members, volunteer Leaders and their families set up camp at home.

Please share your Camp At Home photos and videos on social media using the hashtag #IGGCamptAtHome and send your photos too to the IGG Facebook page and to communications@irishgirlguides.ie 

We will share photos of girls and Leaders in uniform!




Guiding Connections Newsletter

Irish Girl Guides has approximately 10,000 youth and adult members in Ireland. We are a youth-driven, dynamic organisation offering a varied and exciting programme for girls and young women aged 5-30.


Irish Girl Guides National Training Centre
Unit 2, The Square Industrial Complex
Belgard Square East
Dublin D24 FEX5