We are delighted to have received funding from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) to roll out STEM activities to our members.
The ‘Irish Girl Guides Innovatively Engaging with STEM’ project is one of 41 STEM education and public engagement projects to have received funding from SFI. In partnership with Dublin City University, the project will focus on the development of concepts relating to science, technology, and engineering with Brownies (7-10 year olds) in informal settings.
Part of the remit of SFI, through its SFI Discover Programme, is to inspire and guide the best in STEM education and public engagement.
By encouraging girls to explore STEM activities, it is hoped to encourage them to pursue STEM subjects in school and to, perhaps, consider pursuing STEM careers when they leave school.
Two IGG members, Caoimhe Moutray (10) of Dun Olaf Guides and her sister Sophie (15) of Dun Olaf Senior Branch took part in a photo shoot launching the SFI Discover Awards with Minister for Training, Skills, Innovation, Research and Development, John Halligan TD, Michal Miszta, Dublin Maker, with his BB-8 Droid, Director of Innovation, Communications & Education for Science Foundation Ireland, Dr Ruth Freeman and Dr Elizabeth Mathews, Assistant Professor, School of Inclusive and Special Education, Dublin City University
Speaking at the launch, Minister Halligan said: “I greatly support the significant efforts being made by Science Foundation Ireland to generate enthusiasm for STEM within the Irish public. The 41 initiatives being funded through this year’s SFI Discover programme will stimulate important public conversations around scientific research and will highlight the individual, societal and economic value of encouraging more people in Ireland to explore science-related careers. By shining a light on Ireland as a hub for excellent research that is far-reaching and inclusive, these projects will pave the way for our country’s innovative future.”