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Amanda O’Sullivan is our new Chief Commissioner

Amanda O’Sullivan is our new Chief Commissioner

We are delighted to announce that Amanda O’Sullivan has taken on the role of Irish Girl Guides (IGG) Chief Commissioner.

Amanda, who has been an IGG Leader in Lucan since 1994, has already held a number of high-profile posts in the organisation. These have included Eastern Region Commissioner, Chair of Brownie Branch, Chair of the IT Strategy Team and two terms as Assistant Chief Commissioner.

Amanda, who joined Guides at the age of 11 while living with her family in Ashbourne, Co Meath, has been a Leader with three IGG branches – Ladybirds, Brownies and Guides.

Amanda took up her new role on Saturday 7 December at a meeting of IGG’s Executive Committee in the IGG National Office in Donnybrook. A specially crafted golden Trefoil badge was passed on to her from the outgoing Chief Commissioner Helen Concannon.

“The Trefoil symbolises the history of the organisation and the important role the Chief Commissioner plays,” explained Helen. “She is the Chair of the board and the lead volunteer. The Trefoil was introduced in 1957 by the then Chief Commissioner Eileen Beatty. Prior to that, the only Chiefs of this long-running organisation had been the Viscountess Powerscourts.”

Helen went on to say that she knew Amanda would make an excellent Chief Commissioner. “She brings a supreme knowledge of the organisation from grassroots to board table with her,” she said. “Having worked with Amanda in her role of Assistant Chief Commissioner, I have closely seen her dedication to the Girl Guides and, together with the board, she will lead the movement through the next three years with aplomb.”

Amanda said she was looking forward to the challenges and opportunities afforded by the new role. “Irish Girl Guides is a volunteer-led youth organisation and the role of the Chief Commissioner is a volunteer role,” she said. “The Chief Commissioner chairs the board and promotes the strategic direction of the organisation. I am looking forward to sharing this leadership journey with a fantastic team of volunteers and supported by the staff in the organisation.

“Over the next triennium, there are a number of challenges facing us. We must support our Leaders as we embed the changes that charity regulation and good governance rules and regulations have brought. We will have the excitement and challenge of the relocation of our National Office to an IGG National Training Centre in Tallaght and we must grow our membership and our external profile to support our aim of empowering girls and young women.”

Amanda said she was looking forward to meeting many of the inspirational women in IGG who, on a weekly basis, promote the girl-only space for the development of girls and young women. “I am excited to continue to deliver fantastic opportunities and programmes for all members and support our Leaders who will be the drivers for our success,” she added.

Even though she will be taking on the lead role of the organisation, Amanda said she was also committed to continuing her involvement with Lucan Guides. “I really enjoy my involvement at local level where I have had the privilege of being an active participant in the Guiding journey of many girls and young women,” she said.

“The mission of the Irish Girl Guides is ‘To enable girls and young women to be responsible citizens of the world’ and I have had the honour of being in a position to make a difference and be a positive influence on the girls and young women as they grow in confidence, making a difference to others and supporting the development of their leadership skills all through a non-formal education format. I have had the pleasure of being part of the journey of girls and young women as they take on leadership roles in the organisation, expanding their wings and taking flight.

“As a Leader at local level is where I get to demonstrate my ultimate passion for the organisation. The needs and promotion of the development of the girl is paramount. I have seen it through the empowerment, leadership and teamwork in the many girls, young women and adult members that I have had the pleasure of joining on their Guide pathway.”



Guiding Connections Newsletter

Irish Girl Guides has approximately 10,000 youth and adult members in Ireland. We are a youth-driven, dynamic organisation offering a varied and exciting programme for girls and young women aged 5-30.


Irish Girl Guides National Training Centre
Unit 2, The Square Industrial Complex
Belgard Square East
Dublin D24 FEX5