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Aisling appointed UN Youth Delegate!

Aisling appointed UN Youth Delegate!

We are delighted that Aisling O’Boyle, Leader of Centenary Guides, Dundrum, Dublin, has been elected Youth Delegate to the United Nations (UN) for 2018-2019.

Aisling was selected by the UN Youth Delegate programme, which is organised by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Irish Aid and the National Youth Council of Ireland. The other delegate for the coming year is Jamie Moore from Dungarvan, Co Waterford.

Aisling and Jamie, who were selected through a competitive interview process, were officially announced by Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Simon Coveney TD, at a special event held in Iveagh House, Dublin, on 7 September 2018 in advance of their departure to the UN.

The Youth Delegates will work closely with Ireland’s Permanent Mission to the UN and will have the opportunity to represent the youth of Ireland during sessions of the UN committee dealing with human rights issues.

Helen Concannon, Chief Commissioner of Irish Girl Guides, said: “We are delighted that Aisling has been selected as we believe she is a wonderful candidate. She has demonstrated her commitment to global issues through her ongoing work in highlighting global issues and climate change within the programmes and events of the Irish Girl Guides.

“Aisling’s experiences and commitment to date will stand to her in this role as she lives out our aim of ‘giving girls confidence’. She exemplifies the ethos of Girl Guiding and we know she will do Ireland proud.”

The aim of the United Nations Youth Delegate Programme for Ireland, which was launched three years ago, is to support young people to be agents of change by providing an additional platform for young people to participate at United Nations level and to provide the opportunity for greater engagement on national and foreign policy issues.

Speaking of her “absolute delight” to have been selected, Aisling said: “It is an honour to be trusted to be the voice of Irish youth at the United Nations. In order to do this we will be running consultations with young people across the country to ensure that their voices and opinions are heard at the UN.

“We have seen a huge increase in youth engagement with political issues over the last number of years and I am really excited to be able to harness this energy and include young people in helping to achieve the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development.”

Aisling joined Irish Girl Guides when she was six and, since she turned 18, has been a Leader with Centenary Guides Unit in Dundrum. “Being involved with Girl Guides on a national and international level has exposed me to numerous different ideas, viewpoints, and experiences,” she said.  “It has also given me a passion for equality and international development, and developed my confidence.”

Aisling has previously been to the United Nations, representing the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts at the 62nd Commission on the Status of Women in March 2018. “I am looking forward to being able to use my experience of lobbying for the rights of girls and young women to ensure the young people of Ireland are well represented throughout the year,” she said.



Guiding Connections Newsletter

Irish Girl Guides has approximately 10,000 youth and adult members in Ireland. We are a youth-driven, dynamic organisation offering a varied and exciting programme for girls and young women aged 5-30.


Irish Girl Guides National Training Centre
Unit 2, The Square Industrial Complex
Belgard Square East
Dublin D24 FEX5