The Brownies
Diversity & inclusion
We have a strong emphasis on the outdoors, environment, community responsibility and teamwork. The girls’ self-esteem and leadership skills are developed as they progress through Guiding. The Irish Girl Guides actively promotes diversity and inclusion and welcomes girls and young women from all walks of life.
IGG is a member of a worldwide movement, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), of over 10 million girls and young women in over 145 countries. Through the global network the girls’ awareness of global issues and sense of solidarity with their fellow Guides around the globe is increased.
The girls learn all about campaigning and advocacy and there are also wonderful travel opportunities and camps abroad for our Guides and Senior Branch members. Most people will remember these camps and travel opportunities as life-changing experiences or the best experiences of their teenage years. They often make lifelong friends in Guiding and develop strong bonds that will endure for years and years.
Guiding encourages the best in our members; it gives them the opportunity to discover new ideas, new skills, new experiences and new friendships. The experiences that girls will gain and the memories they make at Irish Girl Guides will be unique.
Irish Girl Guides has approximately 10,000 youth and adult members in Ireland. We are a youth-driven, dynamic organisation offering a varied and exciting programme for girls and young women aged 5-30.