Members of Irish Girl Guides are set to develop business and entrepreneurial skills when our Cookie Programme kicks off in the autumn!
Girls from age 5+ will sell packets of biscuits for €2.50 each, thus raising funds for their Units. This will involve teamwork and business skills and girls will have a say in how the funds for their Unit are spent.
This initiative fits in with our aim of helping girls and young women develop important life-skills. We also want to change the imbalance of the number of women in decision-making positions across the various sectors of society such as business, companies and boardrooms around Ireland.
We are thrilled to have the support of Alison Cowzer (Dragon’s Den) for this project. Alison is keen to help girls and women to develop business and money management skills. In an interview about the project with the Sunday Business Post, she said, ‘It could take centuries to achieve equality without serious efforts to bring women into male-dominated spheres such as business and politics.”
Alison is a founder of East Coast Bakehouse – the factory that will produce more than 110,000 packets of biscuits for IGG to sell over the next three years. Alison’s own daughters were members of IGG and she has been an excellent mentor to us, giving generously of her time and expertise in the food industry.
The project will be taking place under the tag of #FutureCEOs, which stands for Creating Entrepreneur Opportunities and will link with the Journey Programme for each Branch. By taking part in the initiative and striving to do their best, girls will earn a Cookie Badge.
In September Units will receive guidelines on selling, details of the badge curriculum and templates for recording sales. If your Unit is interested in learning more about the Cookie programme, please email