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IGG celebrates 110 years of empowering girls and women!

IGG celebrates 110 years of empowering girls and women!

Irish Girl Guides’ members are looking forward to celebrating 110 years of youth work empowering girls and women on Saturday 31 July!

We hope members of the public, as well as former Girl Guides and volunteers, will join our online birthday celebration, which will be streamed live on our YouTube channel at 7.30pm.

The celebration will take place during IGG’s 14th international camp, which will take place over the August bank holiday weekend. Octagon is the organisation’s first ever online international camp with over 1,000 Girl Guides registered from 10 different countries.

The 110th birthday celebration will include the premiere of a film made by Createschool in partnership with Newbridge Senior Branch Unit (Senior Branch is the Irish Girl Guides’ branch for 14-30 year olds) and the IGG Archives.

The film includes footage from the early days of Guiding in Ireland and other relevant material from the National Archives of Ireland and looks at how the organisation has evolved over the years and continually adapted to remain relevant to each emerging generation.

Octagon Camp Chief Helen Concannon, who is involved in organising the birthday celebration, says, “We are hugely grateful to the National Youth Council of Ireland’s Artist in Residence Grant Scheme, the Arts Council of Ireland and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) for making this film possible.

“The National Youth Council of Ireland’s STEAM in Youth Work is also supporting a baking session where all 1,000+ girls will use their skills to bake and decorate birthday cakes for Irish Girl Guides, with thanks to Science Foundation Ireland and DCEDIY.

“It is going to be a fun celebration during which we will reflect on the achievements of IGG and its members over the past 110 years!”



Guiding Connections Newsletter

Irish Girl Guides has approximately 10,000 youth and adult members in Ireland. We are a youth-driven, dynamic organisation offering a varied and exciting programme for girls and young women aged 5-30.


Irish Girl Guides National Training Centre
Unit 2, The Square Industrial Complex
Belgard Square East
Dublin D24 FEX5